Our Impact

Education Perfect uses learning design drawn from evidence-based research into best practice to save teachers time and create a user experience that is engaging, adaptive, and effective.

Our research has clearly shown that linking our lessons and learning experience to concepts such as Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction and Black and Wiliam’s research into Assessment for Learning guides students towards a higher level of success.

What this means in practice is that our material is clearly scaffolded, supported with rich instructional material and model answers, and presented with inherent repetition to integrate new material with familiar concepts. This allows for frequent checks of understanding, gamified revision, and a clear pathway to mastery.

Research-based. Authentic. Effective.

The research base for EP’s learning design has been validated by Johns Hopkins University and has earned a certification from Digital Promise. It provides clear links between pedagogical theory and practical application for teachers in the classroom. 

Digital Promise certification

Research base

JHU review

Evidence of learning impact

Furthering this research, we have conducted pieces of analysis that provide insight into the efficacy of EP on standardised assessment results such as NAPLAN, and on assessment for learning.

Formative assessment

NAPLAN report

Equitable Access

Kaukauola Study Programme

EP Fiji Implementation

Student lesson ratings

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