EP English is designed to facilitate the delivery of effective and engaging learning aligned to the Australian Curriculum. EP English smart lessons support students in building key literacy skills, critical thinking and confidence in self expression. Each major strand of Language, Literature and Literacy is supported through a variety of rich, levelled libraries of relevant resources for Year 7 to Year 10 with additional skills resources available for Year 5 and Year 6.
EP smart lessons consists of a curriculum aligned index of customisable and interactive resources which drive effective learning and help develop a broad range of communication skills. EP smart lessons include supportive content designed to help improve reading, viewing, interpreting, performing and evaluating a wide range of multimodal texts. Lessons are structured to challenge students to think critically about how texts are influenced by a variety of factors including context, social structures and events, purpose and audiences.
EP English is also a teaching resource that can be utilised by parents who are able to assign their children tasks and then track their progress as they learn independently.
The courses, units, modules and lessons in the EP smart lesson library challenge students to interact with texts, contexts and communication topics in order to become more independent and critical thinking citizens. Students will gain an understanding of how texts can be influenced by audience, purpose and context.
Teachers delivering the Australian English curriculum are well supported by EP through a well designed platform and resource index aimed at facilitating effective pedagogy through rigorous and engaging lessons. EP English provides content which meets curriculum requirements for all students with a focus on core language, literacy and literature skills all delivered via contextual, interactive tasks. Using EP to manage some of the planning, marking and data analysis will help teachers concentrate on using their time for the most important part of teaching; interacting with students and building meaningful relationships.
Students say
“I think Education Perfect is a great app to learn and to help you try and achieve your best”
Declan D
Students say
“Education Perfect is the best way for all students to take charge of their individual learning!”
Beatrice A