EP Science provides a huge wealth of Australian curriculum aligned resources for students studying Science in Year 5 to Year 12. Interactive lessons are available to meet the various elements of the Australian Science curriculum including Science Understanding, Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Inquiry Skills. These resources allow teachers to teach Science in an integrated way by ensuring that the three different strands are intertwined in each unit that is covered.
Interactive lessons help students to explore the many and varied concepts that are taught in the Australian Science curriculum in a number of ways with a wide range of questioning techniques to assess understanding. Theory lessons are also supported with scientific investigations, literacy and numeracy tasks and a large bank of skill development activities. All activities within the EP Science content library are designed to be highly scaffolded to ensure that students are able to work independently on the lessons, while teachers are provided with unparalleled data to support their students in their learning.
The content library provides a wide range of highly engaging and rigorous resources that cover the theoretical outcomes of the range of topics covered in the science curriculum. Each of these smart lessons are scaffolded and interactive, while providing students with instant feedback on their work as they progress through the content. These theory based lessons are also supported by a series of supplementary resources including practical investigations and contextual literacy and numeracy tasks.
Each of these topics contain interactive and engaging lessons that will address both the theoretical and practical components of the Science curriculum, including literacy and numeracy tasks and basic practical investigations that can be conducted safely at home. Each resource is highly scaffolded and includes automatically marked knowledge checks to ensure that students are progressing through the content at an appropriate level. The incorporation of EP Science smart lessons into the classroom will help teachers to buy back time for more hands on and inquiry-based learning opportunities in the classroom by saving planning, marking and data analysis time.
Students say
“I really like this way of learning as it is educational and fun.”
Evie G
Students say
“EP is great because you learn a lot of things in a motivational and fun way.”
Justina M