We are a value-driven Team
The below values were developed by all EPeeps together

Users first!
At EP, we put our users first. Our users can include customers, like students, teachers, parents, and schools, other organisations like assessment authorities, and also includes other departments within EP.
We put our users’ needs before our wants.
We are curious about our users, and actively seek to learn more about them.
We care deeply about our users, so we listen and take the time to understand them.
Creative and Innovative
We are creative and innovative in our thinking.
• We are prepared to take risks, celebrating experimentation and making room for failure.
• We are open-minded about new ideas that challenge the status quo.
• We create opportunities for developing and sharing new ideas.
• We invest in our people and our technology.

Care and Support
We care for and support each other.
• We take a genuine interest in each other as people, not just as colleagues.
• We treat everyone with kindness and respect.
• We affirm and encourage each other to grow and develop.
• We make the time to connect with people, in and out of work.
• We listen and take the time to understand how things are going.
• We support each other to balance their work with flexibility, negotiating boundaries together.
• We rally around when someone needs extra support.
Open and Straightforward
We are open and straightforward. This applies to all our communication, both internally and externally.
• We create a safe environment for giving and receiving feedback.
• We are transparent about our intentions with each other, and with our customers.
• We avoid jargon, and strive to communicate clearly to every audience.
• We challenge each other, and are open to being challenged ourselves.
• We are transparent about our processes, priorities and decisions.

One Team
We work as one team.
• We communicate regularly and proactively, sharing ideas and support throughout the company.
• We spend time together as one team.
• We seek to understand everyone’s role and impact in EP.
• We share and celebrate success.
• We grow together with a shared mission and vision for the future.
• We care for and support one another.
• We cultivate and respect each others’ boundaries.
• We rally around and support each other when faced with challenges.
• We put each others’ needs before our own wants.
Excited About Tomorrow
We end each day excited about tomorrow. This should flow as a natural result of living out the values expressed above.
• We can see the impact of our work in the world.
• We highlight and celebrate success at all levels.
• We are proud of our work as individuals, and as a company.
• We bring a positive attitude to our work.
• We strive to connect people’s passions and their projects.
• We invest in people to grow as individuals and employees.
• We create a work environment that people want to be part of.

Continuous Improvement
We continually improve the way we do things.
• We are always looking for inspiration and new ideas.
• We collaborate to share our skills and expertise.
• We reach out to others for inspiration when we meet new challenges.
• We are willing to challenge the status quo, and seek new ways to improve.
• We are prepared to take risks, celebrating experimentation and making room for failure.
• We use all our resources to learn and grow, including customer feedback, data, and shared creativity.
• We regularly reflect on our motivations, priorities and processes.
• We provide training and support for all staff to grow and develop.